Thursday, April 14, 2011

Appreciates Local Firemen

My wife and I would like to thank the firemen from Russell and Chariton for their help with our fire.  We don't have words to thank you for your quick response, tireless work and bravery fighting the fire here.
I couldn't believe they got it out the first time with no more damage than there was.  I thought, just as they did, that it was completely out when they left.  When it restarted between 3 and 4 a.m. we weren't so lucky as all they could do was contain it.
Local people do not realize how good our firefighters are until they watch them work.  They are as good as professionals and still hold regular jobs.  Thankfully none of them were hurt.  Thanks again.  We won't forget your help.   Two very lucky Chariton residents.

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