Thursday, September 29, 2011

Years and Years Ago

September 15, 2011 paper

40 Years Ago ----
Robin Elmore was crowned Russell High School Homecoming Queen.  Members of her court were Brenda Clanin, Lucy Curran, Peggy Danner and Pam Christensen.

50 Years Ago ---
Russell's Homecoming Queen was senior Sheryl Ann Edwards.  Her attendants were Sandra Long, Carolyn Dawson, Judy Long and Mary Osenbaugh.
September 29, 2011

10 Years Ago ---
Jessica Luedtke was crowned Homecoming Queen for the 2001 Chariton Homecoming.

Verda Reynolds, 91, long-time Russell resident and Chariton teacher, was honored as Russell Homecoming parade marshall.  (Sorry about the misprint, this is what the paper had, I just copied it).

20 Years Ago---
Lena Pulse was crowned Russell High School Homecoming Queen.  Her attendants were Gayla DeBok, Tonya Schumann, Denise Porter and Nicole Straube.

30 Years Ago---
Mary Sandy's farm was honored as a Century Farm at ceremonies held at the Iowa State Fair.  The award was presented by Secretary of Agriculture Robert Lounsberry and Dale Nelson of Iowa Farm Bureau.

50 Years Ago---
Mike Miller of the Russell Rangers, was replaced by Craig Trumbo as county president of the 4-H.

Edward Dillman, 22, was notified to report for induction into the Army.

70 Years Ago---
Cecil Stephens, of Russell, was named Lucas County superintendent of schools.  Miss Stephens had taught rural schools in Wayne, Appanoose and Lucas Counties.


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